Reduce Inflammation and Promote Healing


In my Dallas Acupuncture clinic, I often see patients that are simultaneously presenting with a wide array of ailments: digestive problems, trouble sleeping, and nagging pain in a variety of sites throughout their body. Although acupuncture is very helpful at addressing all of these symptoms, the root cause may remain the same. These patients are often suffering from systemic inflammation. Inflammation caused by lifestyle and, most importantly, diet.

Our digestive system is largely responsible for determining the health of our immune system, thus our ability to fight inflammation and promote healing. If your body is constantly having to digest highly processed, unnatural food, then it does not have the strength to heal. No amount of vitamins or supplements can counteract a diet that is ultimately toxic. By taking the strain off your system and eliminating harmful foods while substituting them with nutrient-dense, whole foods, you are setting up your immune system with the means to heal your body. A diet such as this can also help to regulate hormones maximizing health and improving fertility. For those patients struggling with infertility, these nutrition modifications should be the first step toward improving pregnancy rates.

Food/Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Inflammation

Below is an outline of very general, simple guidelines to reduce inflammation and promote healing naturally.

Food Items to Include in Diet

Eat an abundance of vegetables and fruit: to obtain the most nutrients (while being gentle on your digestive system), stick with stir-frying or steaming (raw veggies are difficult to digest and boiling leaches out nutrients)

Make home cooked meals: avoid mystery ingredients found in restaurant food

Eat organic when possible: if price is an issue, start by going organic on the Dirty Dozen

Drink plenty of filtered water

Exercise at least three times per week: just get movin’!

Get a minimum of 8 hours of quality sleep each night: keep your room nice and dark and the electronics off your nightstand

Take time each day to do something that you find relaxing: read, spend time outside, practice yoga, listen to music, etc.

Food Items to Limit or Avoid

Processed sweeteners: bleached sugar, high fructose corn syrup

Processed foods: anything in a box or containing ingredients that you cannot pronounce



Processed/bleached flour

Deep fried and fast food: deep frying zaps the nutrition right out of food

Pay Attention to Diary: milk, cheese, yogurt, cream. If you notice that you feel bloated, sluggish, or congested after eating diary, you may have a food sensitivity. In that case, experiment with limiting or eliminating diary from your diet and see if your symptoms improve.

Keep It Natural & Avoid Processed Foods

These are fantastic, approachable guidelines to incorporate into your everyday life. Of course the old adage of “everything in moderation” is applicable and it would be unreasonable to ask anyone to entirely give up the occasional cocktail or cookie (just make sure it’s homemade). However, if you are significantly suffering from inflammation you may consider strictly adhering to these principles for a length of time to act as a cleanse for your body. Take the burden off of your immune system and provide it with adequate nutrients to heal itself. When given the proper tools and environment, your body is capable of amazing things.

New Patient Offer: Save $200

$40 Initial Consultation  [ Normally $240 ]

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Success Stories:  Natural Treatments

“This was definitely an eye opener for me on the benefits of acupuncture and how you can easily correct many issues and avoid taking pills with lists of side effects. I had never tried anything natural. If I was sick, I went to the doctor. Never thought to try anything else. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that in order to feel better you have to treat the problem, not the symptom.”
— Jennifer —

Is Acupuncture Right For You?

For more than 4000 years, acupuncture has proven effective in treating the symptoms and addressing the root cause for many problems.

From a biomedical perspective, acupuncture works by stimulating parts of the brain to release natural biomolecules such as neurotransmitters, vasodilators and hormones. Scientific research shows that these biomolecules trigger the immune system and pain regulating mechanisms resulting in a broad spectrum of systemic effects. Studies done through Neuroimaging, Thermal Imaging, and Ultrasound prove the effects of acupuncture are beneficial.

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Holistic Approach to Women’s Health

As a mother of three, Dr Carlson understands the challenges that the modern woman faces when struggling with infertility and gynecological disorders. She has received extensive training in treating a wide array of common conditions women face throughout life.

Reduce pain, inflammation, and stress to allow your body to heal naturally without side effects.

Photo of Chinese Herbs

Herbal Therapy

Herbs and supplements treat many issues including depression, fertility, and insomnia.

Photo of a woman in a kkitchen preparing vegetables

Lifestyle & Diet

Our holistic approach identifies healthy foods and activities to aid your treatment.

How can we help you?